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Remote Controlled WomanHave you ever wished you had a remote control to guide your boyfriend or girlfriend? Well, now you can. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone labs have created a headpiece and remote control that can be used to control the movement of another person. The video is hilarious! I wonder where I can get one of these for Christmas?


    • Katharina
    • Posted August 7, 2005 at 4:20 pm
    • Permalink

    Oh my God, that movie is indeed hilarious!!! I wonder who would get this present when you find it for Christmas… I bet it must be a lot of fun playing with it… but what happens if somebody abuses it? When I imagine somebody would let the remote controlled person trash around like a spider lets other insects trash around in its net…. ugh…:-)

    A big hug to everybody over there!!! I wish I would be closer!


  1. We wish you were closer too!
    And you should ask Rachel after Christmas about the remote controller. 😉

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