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A few days ago, I got this email from John:

Maybe you’ve already seen the commercial on TV (the creepy burger king dude chillin with a lumberjack), but I thought I would send you all a screenshot of Burger King’s new breakfast sandwich, called – I shit you not – the “Meat’normous” omelet breakfast sandwich. At just under 800 calories, it’ll give you the energy you need to start any day filled with chopping down trees and wearing flannel.
America has gone insane….. deliciously, deliciously insane.
Take THAT morningstar!

Here is the picture he sent:

Burger King Meatnormous!

It might be because I am a vegetarian, but that just looks disgusting. It looks like a tongue is hanging out of the side of its mouth. I do know, however, that being vegetarian for 5 years means that a hamburger does not look like a hamburger anymore. It looks like cow.

But let’s review. If I am in a forest, and this creepy guy appears out of nowhere offering me meat:

Creepy Burger King

Would I A) Accept it and chow down? Or B) Think to myself, “Boy, this guy sure reminds me of someone else in a mask…..”

Hannibal Lecter in Mask

….. ask myself what that sandwich is really made of, and then run the other way as fast as I can!


    • J-Love
    • Posted October 4, 2005 at 5:10 pm
    • Permalink

    Clearly, Juicio, you are misinforming the public (or at least the perverted faction of which reads your blog). Burger King Man proposes that you indulge yourself in the tasty victuals of pig, cow, and…. more pig – an action that, as you point out, is barbaric and decidedly unappetizing. Mr. Lector simply feasted on the flesh of innocent humans. I’m sure he would never hurt Wilbur and Bessy.

  1. Since the king is promoting something so barbaric and dastardly as eating beloved childhood characters, what do you propose the lumberjack do? Keep in mind that he’s holding a chainsaw.

    • J-Love
    • Posted October 5, 2005 at 9:23 am
    • Permalink

    You may have a point there – the creepy Burger King Man does kind of look like he’s made of wood…

    • johnny
    • Posted April 12, 2006 at 10:40 am
    • Permalink

    (Removed due to inappropriate content)

    • James
    • Posted June 13, 2006 at 8:39 am
    • Permalink

    I’m no vegetarian, as you need to put some meat in your diet (I love animals, but the fact is: we arn’t designed to be vegans, as chimpanzees do eat meat), but this oversizing of this omlete sandwich needs to be addressed. And that bun is a problem as it’s an insulin spiker. Put on top of that, all the hydronated oils they use in their foods.

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