‘Holy anniversaries’ is right! Yesterday, in the car with Alex, Rachel and I realized that next weekend will be our one-year anniversary. Being that we are going to attend the wedding of Ms. Prunty and her wonderful fiancé down in Kentucky, we decided that she would not be very happy if we skipped out of the reception for dinner and date. Thus, we did a mini-celebration last night. We began by doing what all young and exciting couples do: half-price book store shopping. While Rachel continued to fill up her teacher’s shelf with books like “Stuart Little,†I looked at engrossing titles such as “Code Complete†and “The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master.†After wandering around Kenwood mall for a while, we decided we needed to do an anniversary dinner.
For our evening meal, we enjoyed the perfect feast for a young entrepreneur and a college student. We began a two-course meal with incredible six-inch subs from Subway. Subway has been a staple dining-out restaurant for the life of our relationship and, as such, the perfect place for our anniversary soiree. Subway was just a precursor, however, for the true pinnacle of the evening’s meal: Chocolate Mouse cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. If God ever came back as a desert, it would be this heavenly delight.
After a quick pit stop to walk and feed the puppy, we ended the night with the essential date event: the movie. Down at Newport on the Levy, we attended a late showing of Batman Begins. I have to say, it was awesome! I grew up watching reruns of the old 1966 TV series with Adam West, as well as ‘Batman: The Animated Series’ in the 90’s. The aspect of the film that impressed me the most was Christopher Nolan and David Goyer’s loyalty to the original Batman comics. They did a superb job capturing Batman’s history, as well as a terrific job recreating a dark, sinister Gotham City. As one of my favorite movies of the year, I would recommend this to anyone. And if you do not care for the plot, it is worth seeing just for the stellar cast including Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine.
After the movie, we ended the date with the scenic overlook at Newport. The vibrant city sparkled on the river at our feet underneath a clear night sky. It was a wonderful anniversary, but mainly because I was with Rachel.
I would like to thank those who made this anniversary possible:
Cliff Brown
Mr. Barnes and Mr. Noble
The New York City Underground
General Cincinnatus
Liam Neeson and Katie Holmes