Unlike most people in this world, I do not have a real job. (Not that anyone really ever expected me to) Well, part of my not real job is the luxury of working from home. This style of career comes with many benefits including working my own hours, showering when I want, working in my underwear, and chillin’ all day with my dog, Storm. The one aspect of an office space career I do miss, however, is working with people face to face. My home environment, though, is never lonesome.
Besides hanging out with Storm, I decided to open my life to a new group. A couple of weeks ago, I duct taped a disposable “Bowl of Noodles†container to a metal post, one sticking out of my window for God knows what reason, and filled it with generic Kroger bird seed.

Not much happened for a few days. I told my partner Rahul of my plan and he recommended leaving a trail to my window from my trees. Well, I improvised on this idea and started throwing handfuls of bird seed onto my lawn. Two days later, I was greeted by a set of field sparrows. There were only a few at first and, in no time, there were dozens throughout the day.
These general field sparrows are the most prominent visitors to my eatery. Watching them has taught me one interesting fact about birds: they’re mean. Besides eating, they spend their time pecking at each other and knocking each other off the feeder. You can tell who nests together because they have no qualms about tag teaming. Their chirps can be quite lovely, but they have this mean gurgle they use when they are being territorial that can wake me up in the back of my apartment. For the most part, however, they are very lovely and fun to watch. Every once in a while they are joined by black-throated finches. Together, they make a neat little collage on the feeder.

My favorite couple out of all my birds is the cardinals. The male is an absolutely stunning red that always catches my attention no matter where I am in my living room/office. Like many song birds, they only eat the sunflower seeds and so I have often thought of putting out a bowl of just those seeds next to my current feeder. The neat aspect of the two is the way the male protects his female. He always flies in first and shoos off the other birds. They then dine together for a short time before the male takes up his guard again while his mate feeds. He perches on the base of the deck and flies up at any bird that comes close to his gal and the feeder.

Do you remember these guys?

The Goodfeathers from the Animaniacs. Well, here they are in real life.

Just like the mafia roles they played in the cartoon, these tan pigeons fly in and bludgeon all the other birds away. They then take turns sitting in the feeder and eating so that nothing else can share in the festivities.

There is a new bird, however, that just showed up this morning. It makes all of the other birds look like angels. Its cry sounded like a dying hawk and woke me from sleeping in my bedroom, two rooms away. It does not have to attack the other birds because they all fly away every time it comes back. I have no doubt in my mind why the crow is always associated with death. This guy even gave me the creeps.

For the most part though, the feeder is always full of life and a joy to watch. Here it is with seven sparrows in it and a finch trying to fly in!