Phew! Just got back from Disney, which was a wonderful trip minus a few hiccups. I spent the trip home reading every news source I could from Time Magazine to USA Today. It seems like a couple of things might have happened.
I thought that before I left, the failure of the administration was apparent. Now, the blatant lies are even more ridiculous and are quickly refuted by documented facts. The newest is that Bush had to plead with Louisiana governor Blanco to evacuate New Orleans. Official documents show she requested help and a state of emergency days before the hurricane reached the coast, while Bush was still on vacation.
What about Bush stating nobody could have foreseen the levees breaking? Max Mayfield, the director of the National Hurricane Center, told Bush about the extent of the damage in a video conference call the Saturday before the event. Max and his crew also had more extensive briefings for Brown and Chertoff days before the hurricane.
But don’t take my word for it. Look at the sources.
For a more detailed view of events and responses with sources included, check out this timeline which goes hour by hour. Please take a second just to browse it. It does a good job of explaining what happened when.
For those of you looking for a quick fix, however, One Good Move is hosting part of the Daily Show coverage.

One Comment
But Juicio, Al-Quida did not cause this catastrophe. How were we ever to prevent it or know that it would happen if it was not an act of terrorism? Or maybe they ARE responsible for it….. oh, those terrorists! What are they going to do next?!?
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