N.Y. subway threat tip a hoax (CNN)
NYC Subway Threat Info Not Substantiated (FoxNews)
Fabricated fear (Newsday)
‘No Evidence’ Of NYC Subway Threat (CBS News)
New York City subway threat a hoax (CTV)
New York subway alert ends, plot appears unfounded (Reuters)
It is becoming more than coincidence that whenever bad times hits the government that a terror related event is reported. This is a phenomenon that seems to be concerning the main stream more and more.
Tomorrow on Countdown, Keith Olbermann will be hosting a special feature entitled ‘The Nexus of Politics and Terror.’ Here is how he describes it:
Last Thursday, we spoke of at least 13 coincidences of timing between bad political news for the government and a terror or terror-related event. We will be presenting a special report detailing those and other coincidences on Wednesday night’s edition of this news hour, “The Nexus of Politics and Terror” on COUNTDOWN this Wednesday at 8:00 and midnight Eastern here on MSNBC.

What’s that again about the boy who cried wolf?