I hate sounding like I’m advertising something, but this service seems pretty cool. I know I get tired of paying $1 every time I need to find a phone number. And it’s nearly impossible to find a phone book in public anymore. Now, you can just call 1-800-FREE411.
By listening to a 12 second advertisement, you can use the directory assistance for free. If calling a business number, the system offers you an advertisement targeting that business’ market and then asks if you would to connect to the business in the advertisement or the one you requested.
I hate using 411 because of how expensive it has gotten. It used to be twenty-five cents when it started on our LAN line in Omaha. Now it’s usually at least a buck, especially if calling from a cell phone. I hate commercials (sorry Dad), but I’d listen to the ad to save a dollar or two. Not too shabby for a free service.
(via Boing Boing)
thanks for posting this…i’ve used it probably a dozen times already…
So happy to find this. Maybe I can now find long lost friends.
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