As almost everyone knows now, our Vice President shot a 78 year old man in the face and chest last Saturday with a 28-guage shotgun. It turns out, to no ones surprise, that Cheney tried to stall the presses on the issue as reported in Time.
Even worse, his victim suffered a minor heart attach yesterday morning. What was the White House’s response? Don’t mention it and make jokes about the shooting instead. That’s right. Instead of telling reporters the latest state of the victim, Scott McClellan decided to make jokes about Cheney shooting a 78 year old man in the face and chest with his shotgun. Now, I understand that there are a lot of jokes to be made as anyone who watches Letterman or Stewart know. However, it seems to be off-color when the White House Press Secretary makes jokes while hiding the knowledge that the victim’s health took a turn for the worst.
I’ve hunted since I was 12 years old. My father, over and over again, told me to make sure my gun was on “safety,” and never point the gun barrel at anything I didn’t want to shoot. I never shot anyone, but came so close once that it really scared me, and my hunting buddy. It never happened again. Have I taken a gun safety course? No. My father was a better safety expert than anyone I know.
I go dove hinting almost every year, and everyone I hunt with wear safety glasses. Why do you think that is? To keep from getting bird shot in your eye from a stray shot. It happens. People get shot. Cheney’s shot was an accident. He didn’t do it on purpose.
Now do you want to talk about delay in reporting to the press? Lets talk about “Your Senator Ted Kennedy.” It was 9 hours before his “accident” got reported. And Mary Jo Kopechne, they believe, was alive for 2 hrs. breathing air trapped in the car, at the bottom of the river, while the good Senator, in “shock,” was trying to conceal his “accident.” I find it truly amazing that the good citizens of Massachusetts keep electing this irresponsible drunk, murderer, over and over again.
Check out the following:
The report said: “Senator Kennedy’s actions do not reflect a state of shock, but instead suggest a deliberate and calculated effort to cover up his involvement in the accident, while at the same time concealing the fate of Mary Jo Kopechne from those who could have saved her.”
But you’re right, you’re the expert, you know everything about hunting and you have the inside scoop about how the White House is doing everything in its power to cover up this “capital offense.”
Perhaps our energy should be directed to pray for both Mr. Whittington and Senator Kennedy.
I am a little confused at your point. I know very little about the Kennedy affair, but from what I have heard and what you link to, I agree that using privilege to cover-up crimes is wrong. On the same token, I hope you would feel the same way about this incident. I do not believe that anyone has purported that Cheney shot Mr. Whittington on purpose. I believe that people are upset that he withheld the fact that it happened, even from the President for hours, and tried to stall the media. Not trying to oversimplify the matter, my parents always told me, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.â€
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