I have received quite a few emails about the latest New York Times article discussing the close relationship between the President and his SCOTUS appointee. The article begins talking about a birthday card Bush sent to Miers on her 52nd birthday that said:
I appreciate your friendship and candor – never hold back your sage advice.
J-Luv, however, caught something that very few news sources have the guts to report. Right after the above line, Bush wrote:
P.S. No more public scatology.
At first, I didn’t believe it. Then I found the Associated Press story confirmed by CBS News and IndyStar.
I got nothin’ to say. Wouldn’t have expected it. John says I need a new category just for this.
If someone can find a copy of the actual card, let me know.
I had suggested linking to regular old dictionary.com. Kudos to you, Juicio, for going all out and linking to urbandictionary.com. Well played, good sir!
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[…] intances. A multitude of news sources have ran stories about the two’s relationship. A few posts down, I discussed that most of this information is found in […]
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