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Israeli Flag

Not only do they partner with terrorists, Dubai is part of an anti-Semitic boycott against Israel.

I Heart You Message Plant

Get your significant other something special this year. The Amazing Message Plant sprouts with the message “I ♥ You”. And yes, this is a real product with the current special of buy three get one free for all you players. (via Popgadget)

Destroyed Iraqi Mosque

1,300 Iraqis are known to be dead from last weeks sectarian violence.

68 more killed as soon as curfew lifted.

Sadly, Iraq has fallen into a civil war.

Coast Guard Logo

The coast guard told investigators that there was a large number of intelligence gaps, potential unknown threats, and potential vulnerabilities.

Kathleen Blanco

Every single governor signed a letter stating that Bush is stealing National Guard equipment and putting our country at danger from natural disaster and domestic attacks.

Dubai Ports

You might have heard of the 45-day compromise on the Dubai deal. Here is the fine print:

1) The deal would not be delayed. The management structure is temporarily altered until the review is finished.

2) If the outcome is different (Dubai is denied or the contract changed), Dubai Ports World said it may sue.

3) The administration has already made up their mind. And Bush is the only one who would see the ‘report’ at the end of the review.

Beever Puddle

This guy is incredible. From Rense:

Julian Beever is an English artist who is famous for his art on the pavements of England, France, Germany, USA, Australia and Belgium. Its peculiarity? Beever gives his drawings an anamorphosis view, his images are drawn in such a way which gives them three dimensionality when viewing from the correct angle.

Beever Coke Bottle

Beever Missing Street Tile

Here is an image from the incorrect angle:

Beever Incorrect Angle

Here it is again from the correct angle:

Beever Correct Angle

(via the Kircher Society)

Iraq War: Baghdad Patrol

The latest Gallup poll finds that 55% of Americans believe the War in Iraq is a mistake. From E&P:

More Americans than nearly ever before now say the war in Iraq is a “mistake” for the United States, according to a new Gallup poll. That figure now stands at 55%, up 4% point since late January. Only once before was the figure higher, at 59%, and that was during the period of overall pessimism right after Hurricane Katrina hit.

Gallup noted that it had asked this question about other wars involving the United States, “and only the Vietnam War engendered more public opposition than the current Iraq War.” The peak opposition to the Vietnam conflict was 61%. That figure for the generally unpopular Korean War was 51%.

Bombed Shiite Shrine

As many of you probably know, the situation in Iraq seems to have finally escalated to a civil war. On Wednesday, insurgents destroyed one of Iraq’s holiest Shiite shrines, which in turn brought attacks by Shiites militias on over 90 Sunni mosques. While a curfew has been put in place, the violence continues to this day. Juan Cole does an amazing job explaining all the events of that fateful day, pointing out that there was much more than just attacks on mosques..

Here are some interesting stories related to the outbreak of violence:

– For almost 3 years, Bush has ignored the warnings of Iraqi civil war from congressmen, the security committees, and the CIA.

– William F. Buckley, the founder of the conservative magazine Nation Review, stated last Thursday that “One can’t doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed.”

– There are now zero Iraqi battalions capable of operating without U.S. support. That’s right. The Pentagon announced that the one battalion that was capable of operating self-sufficiently has been downgraded. This is down from 3 of 100 reported last June. Check out the Daily Show from last October.

– Conservative columnist George Will: “This is a civil war.”

– – And only on FOX News: “All-Out Civil War in Iraq: Could It Be a Good Thing?” No. Probably not.

I apologize for not updating for the last week. Instead, I have been forced to devote my life to that ever-demanding dominatrix: grad school. So, after a long week of studying and testing on 16th Century arguments about predestination and sacraments, I have regained my freedom. I think Toothpaste For Dinner sums up the feeling rather well:

Graduate School