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Category Archives: Geeky

Nerdy and weird articles and ideas.

Star Wars Then and Now

Ever wonder what happened to R2-D2? Did Chewy ever get another job? Well, in celebration of 25-Years of the Star Wars Trilogy, ABC has put together a list of Star Wars Characters: Where are They Now? No more late nights worrying if C3PO made it or not. Phew.


Okay, I’ll admit it: I have an Animaniacs folder in my music directory. Who can’t resist their catchy yet educational songs about countries of the world? Well, Cracked has put together the top 15 (Painfully) Unforgettable Cartoon Theme Songs from our childhoods along with videos. For a blast from the past, check it out.

Jellyfish Lake

Ever wonder what happens if you put a bunch of jellyfish in a lake and take away all their natural predators? Jellyfish explosion! At least that is what happened at Jellyfish Lake on the island of Padua. Check out the YouTube video. It is a pretty eerie site. (via Neatorama)

Cool Shoelae Knot

Tired of tying your shoelaces the same old way: bunny goes under log, over the bridge, yada, yada, yada? Fret no more! Ian Fieggan has a wonderful site on fantastic new ways to secure those shoes and amaze your friends. (Disclaimer: Shoes are apparently required.)

Rotating Snakes Optical Illusion

No, the picture above is not moving nor animated in anyway. It’s just one of many illusions you can find at Mighty Optical Illusions. It is a wonderful place to lose many, many hours.

For those of you at the office, the dragon illusion is my favorite and will get you lots of friends. Just put it on your desk across from someone during a meeting to really freak them out.

I Heart You Message Plant

Get your significant other something special this year. The Amazing Message Plant sprouts with the message “I ♥ You”. And yes, this is a real product with the current special of buy three get one free for all you players. (via Popgadget)

Beever Puddle

This guy is incredible. From Rense:

Julian Beever is an English artist who is famous for his art on the pavements of England, France, Germany, USA, Australia and Belgium. Its peculiarity? Beever gives his drawings an anamorphosis view, his images are drawn in such a way which gives them three dimensionality when viewing from the correct angle.

Beever Coke Bottle

Beever Missing Street Tile

Here is an image from the incorrect angle:

Beever Incorrect Angle

Here it is again from the correct angle:

Beever Correct Angle

(via the Kircher Society)

Earth at Night

For those of us who cannot get enough Google Maps, check out Nighttime. Nighttime is a 128 megapixel image from NASA of the earth at night that you can navigate using the Google Maps inverface. It really is gorgeous and makes one wonder if this is what astronauts see. (via MAKE)


I wish we had this kind of toy when I was a kid.

Bubo is a toy with “magic” powers that can cast spells and take control over innocent devices or other kids’ toys in its surroundings… Bubo takes control of home appliances by constantly sniffing for IR transmission, intercepting and learning infrared commands from remote controls to their devices and acquiring their functionalities.

I am not sure every parent wants to give their kid a universal remote that can control every device in the house. I am pretty sure, however, that every kid wants one.

Scientist Before Fermilab Scientist After Fermilab
Before and After Pictures

A seventh grade teacher did this wonderful experiment with her class. She had all the students describe and draw pictures of what they thought scientists were like before and after a field trip to Fermilab. I love how all the ‘after’ pictures have scientists in jeans.