I want to thank everyone who came to Evensong. It was absolutely gorgeous with fantastic music and readings. And a big thank you to everyone who helped make it a success. We couldn’t have done it without your help and support. Below are mp3s of all the songs and readings. Enjoy!
Dum Complerentur by Tomas Luis
For the Gifts of God the Spirit
Psalm 146 by Gelineau
Psalm Prayer 1 (Darrell Burns)
Luadate Pueri by Mozart
Psalm Prayer 2 (Darrell Burns)
Spirit of Mercy, Truth and Love by Helvey
1 Corinthians 12 (Jeff Ushupun)
God of All Nations
Galatians 5 (Betsy Hoover)
Tell Out My Soul
Onnis On Inimene by Kreek
How Lovely Is Your Dwelling by Ferko
Alleluja, Chwalcie Pana Boga by Szamotuly
The Lord’s Prayer
Evening Prayer by Purcell
The Voice of God Goes Out
Magnificat by Dupre
Hi there,
Your ‘Evensong Music’ post looks fascinating. I am doing my Masters in Theology at the moment focusing on Liturgical Music and how this enhances our experience of Morning and Evening Prayer.
I am on a 33k modem…but look forward to checking out your mp3s at my parents [who have broadband!]
Which choir is this? I used to sing under Scott at St. Vivian in years past – wish I were singing with him again. Does this choir sing at Mass at Bellarmine?
Bill Klykylo
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