Things are not looking so good for Cheney these days. On the heels of Scooter Libby’s testimony that he authorized the Valerie Plame leak, he ends up spraying a 78 year old lawyer with shotgun pellets on a hunting trip. Official details are yet to be released, but the article has an interview with the owner of the land where the gentleman was shot.
After spending this last week in California working non-stop on our company, Rahul said, “I cannot believe that the Vice President of our country has more free time than we have.â€
Last I heard the White House spin was that the man shoot did not follow proper protocal and identify himself. It’s a typical Bush bunch response – Blame the Victim! I think it happened this way. Cheney turns. Either the sun is in his eyes or his pacemaker skips a beat depriving oxygen to the brain. He’s confused. In his mind he sees a man in a turban. The enemy! Eager to start a new confict his itchy trigger finger twitches. What would the NRA do he briefly thinks. Wham!!!!!!!!! Another dirty terrorist dead! Wait! No! It’s his 78 year old friend. What do I do? He starts to think like Ted Kennedy the night his car drove off the bridge. How can I keep this hush – hush. Is this covered by executive privilege? GOP pundits and spin makers are consulted. BLAME THE VICTIM is the reply.! The press spin is that it was the 78 year old’s fault. The incident is not reported until the next day. Off the hook again.! Dick was only trying to defend our nation from terrorists! Someone please wave the flag for Dick!
That’s my Dick!
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