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Monthly Archives: May 2007

Star Wars Then and Now

Ever wonder what happened to R2-D2? Did Chewy ever get another job? Well, in celebration of 25-Years of the Star Wars Trilogy, ABC has put together a list of Star Wars Characters: Where are They Now? No more late nights worrying if C3PO made it or not. Phew.


Okay, I’ll admit it: I have an Animaniacs folder in my music directory. Who can’t resist their catchy yet educational songs about countries of the world? Well, Cracked has put together the top 15 (Painfully) Unforgettable Cartoon Theme Songs from our childhoods along with videos. For a blast from the past, check it out.

Condemned Building

An Ohio judge has sentenced a negligent landlord to house arrest in one of the landlord’s own dilapidated buildings until appropriate repairs are made to the neglected properties.

Lakewood Municipal Judge Patrick Carroll ordered Richard Naumann to live in his Lake Avenue apartment building — which has no heat, hot water, operable stoves or ovens — until proper repairs are made to the two buildings he owns.

This is what some call fair housing practices.

Cincinnati Mushroom House

The house pictured above is called the “Mushroom House” and it is a frequent sight on my walks with Storm here in Cincinnati. For more pics of the houses you always wished you could have when you were little, check out Amazing Thing’s picture list of incredible houses. My other favorite is the dragon tower!

Jellyfish Lake

Ever wonder what happens if you put a bunch of jellyfish in a lake and take away all their natural predators? Jellyfish explosion! At least that is what happened at Jellyfish Lake on the island of Padua. Check out the YouTube video. It is a pretty eerie site. (via Neatorama)

Bomb Proof Vehicle

For over 18-months, the Marine Corps never responded to a “priority 1 urgent” request for sending more blast resistant vehicles to Iraq. On the eve of congress caving into Bush by writing him a blank check for war, a new document provides insight on how the military ignored an important request to help safeguard our troops:

According to a Marine Corps document provided to DANGER ROOM, the request for over 1,000 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles came in February, 2005. A formal call to fulfill that order did not emerge until November, 2006. “There is an immediate need for an MRAP vehicle capability to increase survivability and mobility of Marines operating in a hazardous fire area against known threats,” the 2005 “universal need statement” notes.

Back then — as now — improvised explosive devices, or IEDs — represented the deadliest threat to American troops in the region. “The expanded use” of these bombs “requires a more robust family of vehicle capable of surviving the IED… threat,” the document adds. “MRAP-designed vehicles represent a significant increase in their survivability baseline over existing motor vehicle equipment and will mitigate… casualties resulting from IED[s].”

Over 1,300 U.S. soldiers have been killed by IEDs.